Points to consider when installing PIV units (Positive Input Ventilation):

Points to consider when installing PIV units (Positive Input Ventilation):

Points to consider when installing PIV units:

  1. Make sure you and the installer read the instructions fully before starting an install
    1. The units are very easy to install but positioning is important
    2. There must be adequate replacement air in the loft void – only normally an issue if the loft has been completely insulated or air vents blocked up
    3. The incoming air diffuser will be situated in a central area – we call it the ‘central air reservoir’ where most rooms lead off this area – normally the upstairs Landing and downstairs Hallway – linked by an open Stairwell.
    4. If you live by a main road or in a poor air quality area then consider our NOX versions.
    5. If you live in a flat then consider the Flatmaster versions
    6. If you are a Landlord or the property is not generally warm, then consider the versions with a Heater, this will take the chill off of incoming air during cold days.

  2. As a general installation principle for Positive Pressure Systems:
    1. Think that air, like water, will take the route of least resistance.
    2. If you have air vents / air bricks / trickle vents in the ‘central air reservoir’ area – we would suggest closing them – to avoid air leakage – unless they are required for local gas appliance

  3. Any extension rooms, or rooms where there is more than one closable door between the room and the ‘central air reservoir’ where the diffuser is sited may need additional ventilation.
    If the extension / rooms have more than one door between them and the ‘central air reservoir’ and don’t have room ventilation, then call us and we can discuss options for individual room control including:
    1. https://www.i-sells.co.uk/kair-smart-100mm-intelligent-extractor-fan-with-humidistat-timer-and-data-logger
    2. https://www.i-sells.co.uk/kair-heat-recovery-extractor-fan-12vac-selv-humidistat

  4. General condensation principles apply:
    1. Avoid drying clothes on radiators or indoor open areas
      Use Ducted Tumble Dryer or outdoor washing line
      If you must dry clothes indoors, close the door to a room where there is a humidistat controlled extractor fan
    2. Avoid using portable gas heaters that produce moisture

  5. No ventilation unit will remove existing black mould, that needs to be cleaned
    1. Use a Mould Control Pack such as: https://www.i-sells.co.uk/kair-mould-control-pack

  6. We are here to help if you have any questions.
    1. Email:    [email protected]
    2. Call:        020 8463 9696